




Loving Touch Naturals are products made with love using natural ingredients, no chemicals, and no side effects.

These products were developed out of my personal necessity to relieve the pain of fibromyalgia and lupus without additional side effects.  Finding natural pain killers were very important to me.

There are times when my joints swell and scream out to me with pain from fibro and lupus.

I already take strong medications to control these issues and they have side effects. When the pain becomes severe and I need assistance, I seek fibro pain relief right away.

I have tried the traditional pain meds. The rheumatologist suggested Savella for the fibro, which I really liked. However, after one year, I developed breathing problems and heart palpitations that were debilitating. So I had to stop taking it.

Most meds I take put me to sleep, caused dry mouth, dry eyes, upset tummy, possible eye problems and list goes on. These just added to an already uncomfortable situation.

It only compounded my overall health issues by bringing forth additional more side effects and only providing minimal relief from pain.

So, I started looking for natural alternatives. I believed that whatever I found could not hurt me more than what I was already feeling.

I reasoned that I am an intelligent person and an avid researcher. I may be able to come up with something to help myself get the relief without harmful effects.

I already knew about essential oils, herbs, homeopathy and vitamins, perhaps I could combine them to make a viable solution.

                                           Fibro Body Frosting Cream

natural pain killer cream

Natural Formulation for Relief of Pain and Swelling



I developed several formulations of products that really worked!!

As I used them, they helped the issues and there were no side effects.

In some instances the formulations totally healed the issue, or made it more tolerable, and relieved the pain, all without side effects.

I realized that I do not like what are considered “hot” oils, like peppermint and eucalyptus because they were painful to my skin when I applied them. So they are not used in any of my products.

This was all done in the hope of helping myself, as a result, I can now also help others.

This is why the products are called Loving Touch Naturals.