
alternative medicine

Fibro Body Frosting Cream…..Soothing Pain Relief Within Minutes!!

This cream is truly a dream come true for me. It can be used for fibromyalgia, lupus and
any other pain causing malady.

It Helps Pain with:



Reduces and Stops Pain
Reduces Swelling
Reduces Inflammation
Helps Arthritis Pain and swelling
Helps Neuropathy in feet due to Diabetes
Relieves Back Pain


It is made of all natural ingredients. NO SIDE EFFECTS…

No Shellfish or its derivatives

No Parabens
No Chemicals
No Additives
No Perfumes or Fragrances
No Dyes

It is very effective without 100’s of ingredients. The key is to balance the included ingredients so that they work in synergy.

The ingredients are: A paraben free cream base, vitamins A, C, E, chamomile, aloe vera, lavender, frankincense, helichrysum, nutmeg, and juniper. Simplicity at its best.

The application is as follows:

Apply Fibro Body Frosting Cream to the painful areas. Massage it on for a minute or two, until absorbed. The cream easily absorbs, it is no oily or greasy. It has a pleasant smell, not medicinal.

At that point you can do as you normally would, (put on a brace, use a heating pad if you wish), the pain will start to dissipate until it is relieved. For me it is about 10 minutes and the pain is gone. I can then go about my usual activities.

I find it also works wonderfully when I apply it (1) after a shower or (2) just sit a moment
with a heating pad on the effected area.

Some days when the pain is severe, I apply it 2 or 3 times, on that day only. Normally, one application is all that is necessary.

I stand a lot during the day and my knees become inflamed and swell. If I continue to do the activities that cause inflammation and swelling to flare, the cream helps with this, but does not “prevent the effects” of overuse or inflammation causing activities.

Try it Now!!!

Natural Formulation for Relief of Pain and Swelling

No returns. Due to health concerns, this product can not be returned.

$19.99 Free Shipping   2 ozs.